Port Stephens.NSW
Career Counselling: Breaking Through The Glass Ceiling
Whether you are undertaking academic study,…

Burnout is often defined as the physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion, the loss of interest or motivation in one's life due to excessive demands, self-imposed or imposed by others, on one's time.
Herbert Fredenberger, a German-born American Psychologist, penned the term burnout in the 1970’s. In Fact, Freudenberg and his colleague North (Gail) theorised the process, breaking it down into 12 phases:-

In our previous blog "What is Burnout"? we defined the term Burnout and identified the 12 phases of burnout as coined by Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North in the 1970's.
Today, one wishes to address the readers concern, that is if we are feeling the effect of burnout what exactly can we do to recover from it or better yet prevent it from occurring in the first place?
Great question here are 8 key strategies to consider: -
How many times have you uttered these words? Was it when you missed…
Blu Ripples Workplace Counselling: Workplace Bullying, Abuse, Intimidation & Harrassment Action Plan
At some point in our career, we have either directly experienced or know…

How many times have you found yourself uttering these words?
Perhaps you have found yourself counting the days to the end of the week or year. These cognitions (thoughts) are indeed a major sign of job dissatisfaction. However, Blu Ripples main question to you is
“Why are you dissatisfied in your work”?
Is it because you experiencing: -

Employment termination and separation can be a complex and confronting area. Perhaps you are contemplating terminating your employment; maybe you have been dismissed or made redundant. Either way, we dare say this is a difficult time for you.
So let’s start with the basics: the differences between
Let’s begin by breaking the Work Life Balance concept down into a simple…
Today we explore the definition of work-life balance and how to achieve this…
How we lose a job is not really as important as how we…