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Blu Ripples Career Counselling: What is Burnout?

What is Burnout? By Katherine Foster

Burnout is often defined as the physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion, the loss of interest or motivation in one's life due to excessive demands, self-imposed or imposed by others, on one's time.

Herbert Fredenberger, a German-born American Psychologist, penned the term burnout in the 1970’s.  In Fact, Freudenberg and his colleague North (Gail) theorised the process, breaking it down into 12 phases:-

Blu Ripples Career Counselling: Recovering From And Preventing Burnout

Burnout Recovery and Prevention

In our previous blog "What is Burnout"? we defined the term Burnout and identified the 12 phases of burnout as coined by Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North in the 1970's.

Today, one wishes to address the readers concern, that is if we are feeling the effect of burnout what exactly can we do to recover from it or better yet prevent it from occurring in the first place?

Great question here are 8 key strategies to consider: -

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