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Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric Profiling (Testing)

Our Psychometric Profiling Services can help you Discover your innate strengths, development areas, learning style preference, personality type and more... Providing you with valuable outcomes to make informed career and personal decisions

Gain Valuable Insights for Your Career and Personal Development

Psychometric Profiling Services

Our Psychometric Profiling (Testing) Services are designed to provide valuable insights and guidance for your career, recruitment, learning, and personal development. We offer a range of assessments that can help establish baselines and create actionable plans to support you on your professional or personal journey.

Accreditations and Qualifications

We are proud to hold accreditations in Personality Type and qualifications in Counselling and Human Resources,. These credentials enable us to purchase, administer, and report on various psychometric instruments across multiple sectors. Our knowledge and years of experience ensure that you receive reliable outcomes based on your responses. 

Range of Psychometric Instruments

At Blu Ripples, we administer a diverse range of psychometric instruments. These assessments are sourced from reputable providers, including educational institutions, educational research organisations, and other service providers. Our selection includes online, paper-based, and card-based assessments to cater to different preferences and needs. Each psychometric assessment is carefully chosen to provide valuable insights into various aspects of your personal and professional skills, abilities and personality.   The results from these assessments can help you make informed decisions, identify areas for growth, and maximise your potential. 

The range we administer includes:-

Aptitude Assessment

Aptitude Assessments are used by employers in the recruitment and selection process and provide insights to individuals in the career planning phase,  Aptitude instruments evaluate an individual’s ability to perform specific tasks or skills and identify innate capabilities. These assessments can measure a range of aptitudes, including applied reading, abstract reasoning, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning, and mechanical reasoning. They are designed to assess an individual’s potential for success in various job roles.

Specifically, Blu Ripples administers the following online Aptitude Instruments:-

  • Applied Reading (Basic Literacy, General/Clerical and Technical/Trades)
  • Abstract Reasoning
  • Employment Entry Mathematics
  • Mechanical Reasoning
  • Numerical Reasoning
  • Verbal Reasoning
Career Card Sorts

Career Card Sorts are a type of career assessment instrument that uses cards to help individuals identify their career interests, values, hobbies, and motivated skills. These card sorts are undertaken with a physical card deck.. By sorting and prioritising the cards, individuals can gain insights into their career preferences and make informed decisions about their career paths.

Specifically, Blu Ripples administers the following online Career Card Sorters:-

  • Career Card Sorters
  • Career Values Card Sorts
  • Hobbies and Interests Card Sort
  • Motivated Skills Card Sort
Career Assessment Instrument

Career Assessment Instruments are self-assessment tools that provide individuals with insights into their career preferences, skills, and interests. These instruments can include surveys and tests that measure various aspects of career-related factors, such as bureaucratic orientation, conflict resolution, job satisfaction, and values assessment. They are administered on paper and can help individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their career goals.

Specifically, Blu Ripples administers the following Career Assessment Instruments: –

  • Bureaucratic Orientation Test
  • Career Assessment Survey
  • Career Interest Test
  • Change Receptivity – (Dogmatism – Open/Closed Mindedness)
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Job Satisfaction (Current Job)
  • Locus of Control
  • Management Communication
  • Power Orientation (Machiavellianism)
  • Values Assessment
  • Work Needs
Career Interest Surveys

Career Interest Surveys are online assessments that help individuals explore their interests and preferences in different career fields. These surveys, such as the Ashland Interest Assessment, Jackson Career Explorer, and Self-Directed Search, provide individuals with personalised career suggestions based on their interests. These online surveys allow individuals to discover potential career paths that align with their interests and passions.

Specifically, Blu Ripples administers the following Career Interest Surveys: –

  • Ashland Interest Assessment
  • Jackson Career Explorer
  • Jackson Vocational Interest Survey
  • Self-Directed Search
Counselling and Mental Health Assessments

Counselling and Mental Health Assessments are tools used by professionals to evaluate various aspects of an individual’s mental well-being. These assessments can include signs and symptom surveys and scales that measure burnout, depression, anxiety, stress, and recent stressful events and provide insights in to compatibility (relationships), feelings and coping skills.. They can be administered through a combination of paper, card, and online formats to help individuals gain insights into their mental health and make informed decisions about their well-being.

Specifically, Blu Ripples administers the following Counselling and Mental Health Assessments:

  • Burnout Survey – Signs and Symptoms
  • Compatibility
  • Coping Scales for Adults (CSA-3) and Adolescents (ACS-2)
  • Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS 21) – Signs & Symptoms Survey for Adults
  • Depression Signs and Symptoms Survey for Children 
  • Feelings Inventory
  • Recent Stressful Events Survey– Signs and Symptoms for Children (3-18 Years)
Learning Styles Preferences

Learning Style Preference Assessments are used to identify an individual’s preferred learning style, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. These assessments, typically administered on paper, help individuals understand how they best process and retain information. By understanding their learning style preferences, individuals can tailor their learning experiences to maximise their educational and professional growth.

Personality Type Assessments

Personality Type Assessments, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Major’s PTI and Workplace Personality Index (WPI) are online assessments that help individuals understand their personality traits and preferences. These assessments provide insights into various aspects of personality, such as workplace behaviour, career development, and leadership style. By understanding their personality type, individuals can gain self-awareness and make informed decisions about their career paths.

Recruitment and Selection Assessments

Recruitment and Selection Assessments are used by organisations to evaluate job applicants and determine their suitability for specific roles. These assessments can include employee screening questionnaires, workplace personality indexes, and various online assessments. By using these assessments, employers can make informed decisions about hiring the right candidates for their organisations.

Access to Other Instrumentation

Blu Ripples, led by Katherine, has the expertise and qualifications to access a wide range of psychometric instruments beyond those listed above. Katherine’s accreditations and registration as an ACER Education Specialist in HR 1, 2, and S5 categories enable her to offer a diverse selection of instruments. If you have a specific instrument in mind that is not listed, please reach out to Katherine to discuss your needs.

Benefits of Psychometric Profiling

When used correctly and ethically, psychometric instruments can provide individuals and employers with various benefits. Here are a few potential benefits:

Potential Benefits for Individuals

  • Identifying and establishing career interests, aptitude, and skills baselines
  • Highlighting key transferable skills in employment documentation
  • Identifying learning and development areas and strategising development opportunities
  • Supporting your case for a promotion or pay increase by showcasing skill improvements

Potential Benefits for Employers

  • Candidate selection and evaluation
  • Change management
  • Developing internal or sourcing external learning and development opportunities
  • Performance management
  • Succession planning or leadership development
  • Talent diversification needs
  • Team building
  • Training needs analysis within departments or across the organisation

Purpose of Using “Psychometric Profiling” and “Instrumentation”

We use the term “psychometric profiling” and “psychometric testing” for search engine optimisation purposes. By incorporating common words and phrases that individuals may use to find our services, we increase the likelihood of reaching those who can benefit from our expertise. It is important to note that psychometric instruments are not traditional tests. They involve selecting preferences through various methods such as cards, scales, surveys, inventories, and type instruments. Your responses to these instruments determine the outcome of the profiling based on your individual perception and preferences. There are no right or wrong answers; it is simply about understanding your unique characteristics.

Have Questions?

If you have any questions regarding the psychometric instruments we administer and report on, the best instruments for your individual or organisational needs, the psychometric process, timeframes, costing, or administration and ethics considerations, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We are here to provide you with the information and support you need to make informed decisions about our psychometric profiling services.

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