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Career Counselling and Career Consulting Client Testimonials and Reviews Blu Ripples

Blu Ripples Testimonials

Learn what our clients value most about Blu Ripples and the services and products we provide through our range of comprehensive Client Testimonials

Empowering Clients to Reach Their Goals

Blu Ripples: Showcasing a Rich and Diverse Client Base

At Blu Ripples, we take great pride in our extensive and varied client base. While we have carefully selected a comprehensive range of testimonials to showcase the depth and breadth of our experience, it is important to note that not all testimonials have been included. Through the client testimonials featured on our website and social media platforms, we believe you will discover common themes that highlight the positive impact we have had on our clients’ lives. These themes include:

Achievements and Increased Self-Confidence

Our clients consistently report significant achievements and a boost in self-confidence as a result of working with us. Whether it’s landing their dream job, starting a successful business, or overcoming personal obstacles, our clients credit Blu Ripples for empowering them to reach their goals.

Clarity, Direction, and Focus

One of the key benefits our clients experience is gaining clarity, direction, and focus in their lives. Through our personalised approach, we help individuals identify their passions, strengths, and values, enabling them to make informed decisions and take purposeful action towards their desired outcomes.

Connectedness and Professionalism

Blu Ripples is known for our professionalism and commitment to building strong connections with our clients. We take the time to understand their unique needs and aspirations, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. Our clients appreciate our willingness to share our own experiences and insights, making them feel valued and understood. While these testimonials represent just a fraction of the positive feedback we have received, we believe they reflect the transformative impact Blu Ripples has on our clients’ lives. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and helping individuals unlock their full potential.

Client Testimonials

Discover an impressive range of client testimonials demonstrating our years of dedicated work in helping individuals and organisations achieve their goals. To experience our clients’ success stories, click on the blue link in each section below.


  • Cover Letters
  • Resumes
  • Selection Criteria

inc. references to:-

  • Career Guidance and Direction
  • Career Options and Pathways
  • Career Planning
  • Career Transistion
  • Educational Considerations e.g. RPLs

inc. references to:-

  • Addressing Considerations
  • Becoming Unstuck,
  • Career Options and Pathways
  • Career Plannings
  • Insights and Strategies
  • Labour Markets
  • Psychometric Instrumentation

including references to:-

  • Career Counselling
  • Career Development Report
  • Exploring Employment Options and Pathways
  • Job Search Strategies and Techniques
  • Key Transferable Skills Reports
  • Psychometric Profiling inc. Personality Type
  • Resumes and Cover Letters

including references to:-

  • Beneficial Outcomes
  • Commencing New Careers
  • Confidence
  • Providing Never Considered Options
  • Reinvigoration


  • Aptitude
  • Career Interest Testing
  • Leadership Development
  • Personality Type
  • Workplace Personality 

Client Testimonials can also be found on the following social media sites: –

For additional information about our previous client base, please contact Katherine (Blu Ripples).

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