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Workplace Counselling: What is Work Life Balance?

Explore the meaning of Work Life Balance Blu Ripples

Today we explore the definition of work-life balance and how to achieve this with some Workplace Counselling hints and tips

So what exactly is Work Life Balance?

In a nutshell, it is ensuring that we give equal time to our personal and professional lives to ensure that there is a balance between both, which in turn plays a part in reducing our stress and discontentment in life.

OK, let’s look at your life for a few minutes do you know where you spend most of your time is it at work, at home looking after the kids, volunteering your time for a good cause or any number of other activities. 

Now ask yourself:-

  • How is this impacting the rest of your life? 
  • Are you happy, stressed, bored etc? 
  • Are you been true to yourself, your wants, needs and desires?

If you are spending more time on one particular activity or area your life is said to be “out of balance”. 

So how do you change this?

Stay tuned for Part 2 – Balancing Work and Life

Katherine Foster - Blu Ripples Founder; Professional Member CDAA, Member of ACA and Published Author

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2010 Version)

Katherine Foster is the Founder of Blu Ripples, a Counselling practice in Sydney, NSW.

Initially commencing in 2003 as HR Aspects (Career Consulting Practice), Katherine rebranded her business to Blu Ripples in 2009 to incorporate Personal, Career and Workplace Counselling Services into her practice.

Katherine is a nationally registered Counsellor and a current Member of the Australian Counselling Association. 

Before commencing her private practice in 2003, Katherine predominantly worked in Human Resources and Administration.

© 2010 - Katherine Foster T/as Blu Ripples 
Updated Version 20 Oct 2023; Originally Posted 22 Sept 2010
Katherine's Photograph:- 2023

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