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PEAP Services Testimonials Employment Assistance Program Defence

PEAP (Defence) Testimonials

Learn How Blu Ripples provides Clarity, Support and Empowerment to Partners of ADF Personnel during periods of career transition and development
PEAP ProgramCareer ConsultingResume and Cover Letter – Very Well Written
PEAP Services Testimonials Employment Assistance Program Defence

Katherine, I came to see you through the Defence Career Counselling and Employment Assistance Services Program (PEAP) after relocating from Sydney to Newcastle with my husband whom is in the Defence.  When I came to see you I felt nervous because I had worked in Education for over 20 years and had not had an interview for all of that time and I was tossing up whether or not I would pursue Education up here or try another industry utilsing my skills and experience.   At first we developed my Resume and Cover Letter to capture Education opportunities and then the Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit and everything changed, we rejigged the documents and shortly thereafter I was successful in gaining an interview in the Aged Care industry.  I was told by the interviewer that there were over 200 applicants, 7 to 9 were interviewed and that I was the successful applicant – always was from the first point of when they saw my application.  Because I came to see you through the PEAP program, I feel more confident with the prospect of securing interviews and applying for positions.  Thank you!

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Employment Assistance Program Client (Educator), Port Stephens NSW

PEAP ProgramCareer Counselling –  I’m Feeling Very Good, I Am Ready To Move Forward!

Over a three-month period (with some time in between sessions due to giving birth), Blu Ripples provided the following services to this new mum through the PEAP program: – Key Transferable Skills Report, Exploration of Employment Options and Pathways, Psychometric Profiling (Personality Type, Career Interests and options with MBTI and JVIS), Job Search Strategies and Techniques. At the completion of our time together, this PEAP mum gave me permission to share part of her e-mail to me: – Katherine, I think all our sessions paid off; I’m feeling very good, and I’ve decided to pursue Floristry for now as a side business.   I‘ve gotten very clear on who I am from our (Career Counselling) sessions; lots sat with me, and lots made sense.  I am spontaneous and creative, and I think I had a hard time accepting that before.  I have finally let go of my old business, and I’m playing with flowers for now until I am ready to move forward (with study in the future), the kids really are a full-time job as it is.  Katherine, I really am thankful for your sessions (followed by a prayer, smiley face and hearts emojis)

PEAP Services Testimonial-  Defence Employment Assistance Program – Career Counselling Adult Client (Mum), Medowie, Port Stephens NSW

PEAP ProgramCareer ConsultingResume and Cover Letter – Very Well Written
Resume Writing Services PEAP Program Defence

Katherine, my husband (who is in the Defence Force) and I recently moved to Port Stephens from Sydney and I was considering employment options and needed a Resume when I called you.  Upon learning that my husband was in the Defence you mentioned the PEAP Program and the Career Counselling and Partner Employment Assistance Services I could access through this – I had no idea this existed before I spoke to you and neither did my husband.  After speaking with you I contact the Defence and telephoned back to request a PEAP Quotation and was subsequently approved.  So far you have prepared my Resume and a general Cover LetterThe Resume and Cover Letter are really good! In fact, I asked my husband who works in Human Resources if this is really me and he said “Yes, it is you, it is just very well written”.  Katherine, I could never have made myself sound so good on paper, thank you.  I will be in touch again soon for the rest of the PEAP Services.

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Employment Assistance Program – Resume Writing and Cover Letter Testimonial Anna Bay, Port Stephens NSW

PEAP ProgramPersonality Type (MajorsPTi) – I Felt Scattered & Lost – Now I Understand Me!
Defence PEAP Career Counselling Personality Profiling

The Majors PTi instrument outcomes and report resonated with me.  I found the feedback a little weird to hear at first as it was so me and I had a number of “ah ha” momentsKatherine, I never thought about my personality and career options in such a way before.  The Majors PTi personality report you compiled for me was very valuable to me; it explains and aligns me.  Before undertaking the personality profiling test (instrument), I felt scattered and lost and now I have come to a place of understanding and choice.  The Majors PTi instrument and report opened my mind; but then again Katherine every time I come to see you I feel my mind is opened a little more – in different ways.

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Employment Assistance Program – Psychometric Profiling – MBTI, Medowie, Port Stephens NSW 

PEAP ProgramKey Transferable Skills Report – My Report is Relevant and Very Helpful!
PEAP Program Key Transferable Skills Report Medowie NSW

I LOVE the way my Key Transferable Skills Report is written; how you quickly and accurately summarised my experiences into skills such as System Analysis. The Key Transferable Skills Report will be very helpful in helping me recognise the skills I have when searching for job advertisements online and when I write my Resume. Katherine, I also love that you have broken my skills down into four key areas for example foundation and specialist skills; the report is pretty good it is more than I could ever come up with.  As a result, I feel more confident in applying for roles that I may have passed over previously.  Thank You.

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Employment Assistance ProgramCareer Planning and Report Client, Medowie, Port Stephens NSW

PEAP Program Resume Writing Services – Very Happy with Layout, Wording and Outcome
Defence PEAP Program Resume Writing Services Testimonial Fern Bay Port Stephens NSW

My wife transferred to NSW earlier this year and I followed shortly after; at present I am studying Nursing with a long term goal to study Medicine and work with the Defence Force myself, and thus was eager to have my Resume professionally prepared for me.   Katherine, whilst there were a couple of little changes that I made to the Career Overview and Objective Sections to make it feel like it was my own, I am very happy with the layout, wording and outcome.  The Resume process gave me direct insight into the professional world and for that I am grateful.

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Resume Writing  (Nurse and First Responder), Fern Bay, Port Stephens NSW

PEAP ProgramResume Writing Services – I Love The Work You’ve Done –  Exceptional!

I moved to Port Stephens with two young children and my husband who works in the RAAF last year.  At the end of last year, I contact you to prepare a PEAP Quotation, and after gaining clearance to proceed with the Defence Force, we scheduled an appointment to create a new Resume for me – as I am seeking to commence a new career as a Therapy Aide (my preference is Occupational or Speech Therapy).  Katherine, I actually love the work you’ve done (for me), including the Key Transferable Skills Analysis and the Resume is Exceptional!

PEAP Services Testimonial – Defence Employment Assistance ProgramResume Writing Fern Bay, Port Stephens NSW

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