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Card Sorter Cards

Card Sorts

A visual psychometric tool to help you cognitively identify and process your thoughts, feelings, emotions, interests, values and skills

Discover Your Values and Interests with Card Sorter Cards

Introducing Card Sorts Cards

Card Sorts Cards are decks of flash-cards designed to help you think about and process your values. They can assist you in identifying, categorising, and ranking patterns, themes, interests, and skills that are relevant to both your professional and personal life.

How Card Sorter Cards Work

By using Card Sorter Cards, you can determine what is appealing to you on a professional and/or personal level. These cards can be beneficial in creating your own job search criteria, allowing you to compare and contrast different opportunities. Additionally, they can help you identify activities, skills, and values that may be demotivating or potentially lead you to work in a non-preferred job or environment.

Card Sort Cards are beneficial for optimising your personal and career satisfaction. They can assist in identifying interests that may uncover hidden talents and skills. Moreover, they can be instrumental in managing stressful situations both at work and at home.

Types of Card Sorts Offered by Blu Ripples

At Blu Ripples, we offer and analyse four different types of

Career (Occupational) Card Sort

The career card sort helps you explore different career options and identify the activities and skills that are appealing to you. It allows you to compare and contrast opportunities and create your own job search criteria.

Hobbies and Interests Card Sort

The Hobbies and Interests Card Sort is designed to help you identify your personal interests and hobbies. It enables you to find activities that bring joy and fulfillment to your life outside of work, and also helps to highlight patterns and themes that can be useful in your career.

Knowdell Career Values Card Sort

The Knowdell Career Values Card Sort is a powerful tool for understanding your core values and how they align with your career choices. It helps you identify the values that are most important to you and can guide you in making career decisions that align with your values.

Knowdell Motivational Skills Card Sort

The Knowdell Motivational Skills Card Sort helps you identify the skills that motivate and energize you. It allows you to recognize your strengths and areas where you excel, which can be valuable information when considering career paths or personal development opportunities.

How Card Sorters Can Help You

Card Sorters can help you identify appealing activities, skills, and values in both a career and personal context. They provide a structured approach to self-reflection and can assist you in making informed decisions about your future.

Accessing Card Sorters

You can access one or more of our card sorters through various means:

  • Career Counseling Sessions: Schedule a session with Career Counsellor Katherine to explore the card sorters in-depth.
  • Card Development Report: Our comprehensive report process includes several card sorter cards combined with other instruments that provide detailed insights based on your preferences.
  • Career Interest Foundation Report: Obtain a report that outlines your career interests based on the card sorter outcomes and a few online career interest surveys..
  • Outplacement Services: If you are going through a career transition, our outplacement services can provide support and guidance using card sorters.

Ethical Guidelines and Considerations

Card Sorters can help you identify appealing activities, skills, and values in both a career and personal context. They provide a structured approach to self-reflection and can assist you in making informed decisions about your future.

Have Questions About Our Card Sorters?

If you have any questions regarding the card sorters we administer and analyse, please feel free to contact Katherine. She will be more than happy to discuss any inquiries you may have about our card sorters and our psychometric profiling services.

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