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Blu Ripples Outplacement Testimonials

Outplacement Testimonials

Learn how we provide positive and valuable career transistion outcomes, increased confidence, and self-belief to our Outplacement clients
Outplacement Services Testimonial Carrington, Newcastle NSW – You Were A Great Help – I am Reinvigorated!
Outplacement Services Review Carrington NSW

Hi Katherine, Just like to thank you for the training and the time spent on helping me to get ready for the next chapter in my working life.  When I came to see you I felt stale and had lost my confidence after a long period working with my previous employer.  I am now a Quality Assurance Manager for a Holiday and Hotel accommodation company & very much enjoy it.  I am reinvigorated and confident in my new role.  You were a great help.  Once again thanks for your time.

Outplacement Testimonial, Carrington, Newcastle NSW

Outplacement Services Testimonial Carrington, Newcastle – Lake Macquarie Region NSW – Highly Beneficial!

I was made redundant after 18 years with my employer; afterwards, they offered me Outplacement Services (3 Sessions) with you.  When we first met, I was experiencing a range of emotions and was unsure what to do, how to do it and how to move forward.  Katherine, I particularly loved the Career Card Sorter process as it provided me with options I had never considered and got me thinking.  I found the whole process highly beneficial.  Thank You!

Outplacement Testimonial,  Newcastle – Lake Macquarie Region NSW 

Outplacement Services – Great News!
Outplacement Services Review from Employer Newcastle NSW

It was great news to hear that our previous employee found the Outplacement Services you provided “highly beneficial”.

Outplacement Testimonial,  Newcastle Region NSW

Outplacement Services – I Secured A New Job!
Outplacement Services Review Newcastle NSW

As a result of our time together, Outplacement and Resume Writing Services, I just wanted to let you know that I was offered and accepted a new job in a large Australian manufacturing organisation. Thank you.

Outplacement Testimonial, Newcastle Region NSW

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