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Career Counselling Helping Parents and Teens Explore Career Options


“We help parents discuss and explore career options and career pathways with their teenagers”

Blu Ripples Founder, Katherine Foster, 2010

On contemplation of this article ones mind wonders back to a conversation one had with a local elderly resident a couple of years ago.

The resident stated to the author that

“to make a child successful in their professional and personal life that the parents “needed to teach their child all manner of things” from “feeling the grass between their toes to experiencing travel and all life has to offer”.

Port Stephens elderly resident’s conversation with Katherine Foster – Blu Ripples Founder

It is the opinion of the author that this statement is relevant and valid for Career Counselling and Guidance.  That is, as a starting point with our Careers Counselling Services Blu Ripples will conduct a one-on-one consultation with your child to determine their perceptions, skills, interests and knowledge.  After the stated process another appointment will be scheduled to administer personality, skills, aptitude, motivation and interests.  Thus, the amalgamation of both the initial counselling session and testing will allow us to develop a comprehensive picture of your child.

But at the end of the day where does it all start; it is the opinion of the author that Career Identification can start as early as primary school.  Although at this stage it has more to do with the parents allowing the child to experience life, develop interests and hobbies, talking to them about the positions people they know hold (in a language that is relevant to them).

Furthermore, it is ones firm belief that experiences and exposure to life will allow a child to develop and recognise (for themselves) their likes and dislikes in later years.

However, in stating the above parents and children will more often than not only contemplate academic preference and potential career paths in the later years of secondary school.

In closing, one poses this question to you…..

“Is it not better to observe and identify interests early  on and subsequently tailor educational programmes and experiences around the individual child than to wait until the end of secondary school; For if you wait perhaps your child will deviate his or her natural interest and talents (for a multitude of reasons) – taking on subjects that will not facilitate in their tertiary studies and professional ambitions”.

Blu Ripples Founder – Katherine Foster, 2010

  A gamble in itself wouldn’t you say?

Katherine Foster Blu Ripples Founder Professional Member CDAA Member of ACA and Published Author

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2010 Version)

Katherine Foster is the Founder of Blu Ripples, a specialist Career Counselling and Consulting practice located in Sydney, NSW.

Katherine is a nationally registered Member of the Australian Counselling Association of Australia and has worked in private practice since 2003.

Prior to commencing her private practice, Katherine worked in the corporate sector for a period of 12 years, predominantly in Human Resources and Administration.

© 2010 - Katherine Foster T/as Blu Ripples 
Updated Version 10 January 2024; Originally Posted 19 Sept 2010
Katherine's Photograph: 2023

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