At some point in our career, we have either directly experienced or know of someone who has experienced Workplace Bullying, Abuse, Intimidation and Harassment.
But how do you help someone going through this challenging period?
Follow Blu Ripples ® 5 Step Action Plan, and you will be on the way to resolving the presenting concern.
5-Step Action Plan – Addressing Bullying, Abuse, Intimidation and Harassment
Step 1. Gather your evidence and relevant information, be it photographs, e-mails, diary and file notes, eye witness accounts, inc. statutory declarations.
Step 2. Review your employment agreements, corporate policies and procedures.
Step 3. Compile your evidence into an Incident Report Summary – ensure you keep to the FACTS and be HONEST!
Step 4. Seek Internal Support from Human Resources or your Supervisor; if your supervisor is the one abusing, bullying or intimidating you, go to their manager.
Step 5. Develop a strong External Professional Support network be it your GP (Doctor), Counsellor, Employment Lawyer, Union Representative, Workers Compensation (NSW) or Fair Work Ombudsman
Provide COPIES of all incident summaries and evidence to your External Support network as and when required – Keep the originals for our reference! Need additional help –contact Katherine.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2011 Version)
Katherine is the Founder of Blu Ripples, a Counselling practice in Sydney, NSW.
Initially commencing in 2003 as HR Aspects (Career Consulting Practice), Katherine rebranded her business to Blu Ripples in 2009 to incorporate Personal, Career and Workplace Counselling Services into her practice.
Katherine is a nationally registered Counsellor and Career Development Specialist and a current Member of the Australian Counselling Association and Career Development Association of Australia.
Before commencing her private practice in 2003, Katherine predominantly worked in Human Resources and Administration.
© 2011 - Katherine Foster T/as Blu Ripples
Updated 19 Oct 2023; Originally Posted 18 Jul 2011
Katherine's Photograph: 2023