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Career Counselling: Mental Health In Career Development – Guidance for Career Development Practitioners

Mental Health - Guidance for Career Development Professionals. Mental Health In Career Development Blog. Author Katherine Foster, Blu Ripples

In early 2017, one proposed as a then sitting member of the CDAA NSW Committee a webinar entitled Mental Health in Career Development.

Drawing on ones’ experiences and qualifications as a nationally registered Counsellor, as well as conducting extensive research with individuals with diagnosed mental health conditions in ones’ local region, together with research from various journals and articles one developed a comprehensive and meaningful webinar outlining: -

  • Mental Health in the Career Development Industry – A need to understand the fundamentals
  • What is a Mental Health Disorder or Illness
  • Top 3 Mental Health Conditions in Australia including definitions, statistics, risk factors, signs and symptoms
  • Role of Stress
  • Our role as Career Development Practitioners – Best Practice
  • Impact of Mental Health Conditions on an individuals’ career – what to look out for
  • Tips and strategies from individuals with Mental Health Conditions
  • Mental Health Signs and symptoms forms for adults and minors
  • Resources and Referral Information

As a Career Development Practitioner, it is not our job to diagnose a client with a mental health condition, that is the role of the clients’ doctor, specialists and/or mental health practitioners.  However, as Career Development Practitioners we do have a duty of care to all clients to ensure that no additional harm is done to our clients whilst they are utilising our services; and to ensure that we act ethically with respect to the administration of psychometric instrumentation.

Thus, it is ones’ opinion that it is important for all individuals in the Career Development industry to understand the fundamentals of Mental Health in order to effectively facilitate our clients, identify signs and symptoms of Mental Health Conditions, to know when and how to refer clients to ensure due diligence is carried out and that career strategies engaged are effective, meaningful and ethical in accordance with the needs of the client, industry guidelines and regulations.

In fact, one would go so far as to state that tertiary providers should incorporate fundamental Mental Health modules into their Career Development courses to ensure that all graduating practitioners have a basic understanding prior to entering the workforce or commencing their own private practice.

Well Katherine, that’s a very interesting perspective but it doesn’t affect me or my organisation!

Well, one is here to challenge you and to say Think Again!

The Medical Journal of Australia (Aug 09), Mindframes and the Black Dog Institute identifies the Top 3 Mental Health Conditions in Australia to be:-

Blu Ripples Career Counselling: What is Burnout?

What Is Burnout? Find out in Blu Ripples Blu Ripples Burnout, Stress and Self-Care Blog series

Burnout is often defined as the physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion, the loss of interest or motivation in one's life due to excessive demands, self-imposed or imposed by others, on one's time.

Herbert Fredenberger, a German-born American Psychologist, penned the term burnout in the 1970’s.  In Fact, Freudenberg and his colleague North (Gail) theorised the process, breaking it down into 12 phases:-

Blu Ripples Career Counselling: Recovering From And Preventing Burnout

Burnout Recovery and Prevention

In our previous blog "What is Burnout"? we defined the term Burnout and identified the 12 phases of burnout as coined by Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North in the 1970's.

Today, one wishes to address the readers concern, that is if we are feeling the effect of burnout what exactly can we do to recover from it or better yet prevent it from occurring in the first place?

Great question here are 8 key strategies to consider: -

Blu Ripples Workplace Counselling: Yippee it’s Friday! – Addressing Job Dissatisfaction

Workplace Counselling Yippee it's Fiday - Addressing Job Dissatisfaction
How many times have you found yourself uttering these words? 


Perhaps you have found yourself counting the days to the end of the week or year. These cognitions (thoughts) are indeed a major sign of job dissatisfaction.  However, Blu Ripples main question to you is

Why are you dissatisfied in your work”?

Is it because you experiencing: -

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