In our previous blog “What is Burnout“? we defined the term Burnout and identified the 12 phases of burnout as coined by Herbert Freudenberger and Gail North in the 1970’s.
Today, one wishes to address the readers concern, that is if we are feeling the effect of burnout what exactly can we do to recover from it or better yet prevent it from occurring in the first place?
Great question here are 8 key strategies to consider: –
1) Speak with a qualified Counsellor
2) Develop a work life balance strategy
3) Clearly define your personal and professional goals and limitations
4) Establish your proprieties and manage your time effectively
5) Take all your annual and public holidays each year; get away from it all and chill out
6) Take responsibility for your health and well-being (physical, psychological and emotional)
7) Learn to say “No”, in other words do not be a doormat and let people walk all over you
8) Develop coping strategies such as relaxation and meditation
NB. Since compiling the original article above, Blu Ripples also offers:-
- A Burnout Signs and Symptoms Survey (Scale)
- A Coping Scales instrument to identify Productive and Non Productive Coping Strategies; from which you can increase your personal awareness and replace non-productive coping strategies with productive coping strategies; and
- Self Care Sessions in which a Self-Care Plan can be developed and monitored
- Individuals (Adults) the opportunity to purchase Katherine’s Self Care Workbook and Card Set
To discuss your individual needs or to purchase a copy of Katherine’s Self-Care Workbook and card set please contact us.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2011 Version)
Katherine is the Founder of Blu Ripples, a Counselling practice in Sydney, NSW.
Initially commencing in 2003 as HR Aspects (Career Consulting Practice), Katherine rebranded her business to Blu Ripples in 2009 to incorporate Personal, Career and Workplace Counselling Services into her practice.
Katherine is a nationally registered Counsellor and Career Development Specialist and a current Member of the Australian Counselling Association and Career Development Association of Australia.
Before commencing her private practice in 2003, Katherine predominantly worked in Human Resources and Administration.
© 2011 - Katherine Foster T/as Blu Ripples
Update 18 Oct 2023; Originally Posted 14 Nov 2011
Katherine's Photograph: 2023