Co-Design National Skills Commission Workshop –Sydney 2019
Federal Career Counselling and Career Development Initiatives
As you may recall in the Federal Budget this year (2019) the government announced that it will be launching a National Skills Commission as part of a federally funded skills package.
As a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA) I was extended an invitation to participate in the Sydney Co-Design workshop for the Commission and Skills package.
Career Counselling and Career Development – Co-Design Workshop
Over a two day period industry professional shared their perceptions and experiences with the Department of Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business with regards to our expectations and the objectives of the National Career Institute, National Skills Commission and Skills Organisation through a variety of brainstorming activities.
In addition to the above, insight was gained into key vocational employment growth sectors over next 5 years been:-
- Aged and Disability Carers – 69.2%
- Child Care – 27.6%; and
- Waiters – 21.%
with the other top 7 sectors ranging from 10.5% to 18.8% growth.
As a result of attending the workshop, key career knowledge was obtained that will be invaluable helping clients in exploring Vocational Education Pathways over the short to medium term.
Learning Outcomes for Co-Design Workshop
The Co-Design workshop also provided a golden opportunity for me, as a qualified Career Development Specialist whom lives and works in a regional area; for instance it enabled me to share information in relation to the specific challenges and needs not only for industry but regional community areas and members.
Indeed it will be interesting in due course to hear the findings and recommendations from the national workshops and how we as participating professionals and individuals contributed to the shaping and molding of the National Careers Institute, National Skills Commission and Skills Organisation.
In conclusion, Blu Ripples was proud to participate in the event and also be able to provide meaningful career guidance, insight and perspective to our clients.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (2018 Version)
Katherine is the Founder of Blu Ripples a specialist Career Counselling and Consulting practice located in Port Stephens NSW. Katherine is a nationally registered Career Development Specialist and Counsellor; is a Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia, Member of the Australian Counselling Association. Former CDAA NSW Committee Member; Graduate of RMIT and AIPC.
Katherine has worked in private practice since 2003 and prior to that worked in the corporate sector for a period of 12 years predominantly in Human Resources and Administration.
Updated 18 Feb 2024; Originally Posted 14 Dec 2019
Katherine's Photograph: 2023