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Blu Ripples Career Plans and Reports

Career Reports (Plans)

Helping you review your history; explore your skills, strengths, aptitudes, options and interests; establish baselines and development needs for careers in the Australian labour market

Career Planning and Report......

Empowering Your Career Journey

How Our Career Planning and Report Services Can Help You

At Blu Ripples, we understand the importance of career planning and reports in helping individuals navigate their professional journeys. Our services are designed to provide you with an in-depth reflective process to help you identify and explore your innate skills, strengths, and interests. By delving into these aspects, we aim to assist you in establishing a solid foundation from which you can set the framework of your career or assess and modify your current position to suit changing conditions.

How Can Blu Ripples Career Reports Help You?

Depending on the type of Career Planning and Report Service that you engage, we could potentially assist you in achieving one or more outcomes, including:

  • Establishing realistic career or educational baselines based on your considerations
  • Determining realistic career options based on your interests and capabilities
  • Researching and identifying employment opportunities, skills, and general attributes
  • Investigating and pinpointing educational, learning, and development requirements
  • Make informed decisions regarding your career and education based on your goals
  • Understand and apply Australian Labour (job) Market data to your job search
  • Create and monitor tailored career or educational strategy(ies) or action plan(s)
  • Review and monitor your progress or adjust strategies or plans as required.

What Career Reports Does Blu Ripples Produce?

Blu Ripples produces four (4) different Career Reports been: – 

Career Development Plan

Career Development Report

Revered and warmly referred to as my Career Bible® by clients. Our comprehensive Career Development Report provides a wealth of information, insights and potential ah-ha moments that aim to empower and support you in making meaningful career decisions and strategising and implementing career goals and action plans.


The Career Development Report includes a range of information including but not limited to: –

Report Length

Content and length will vary as our reports are customised career plans based on individual needs and career life stages.    As a general guide, a Career Development Report can range from 50 to 100+ pages in totality.

Career Interest Foundation Report

An ideal career plan for clients taking their first tentative steps into the career exploration process or those who have been in the workforce for a while and are tentatively exploring new career options and pathways but are not seeking the in-depth analysis of the Career Development Report.


The Career Interest Foundation Report aims to  provide you with a  career interest framework and diverse career options based on your interests.    The report provides a  sound platform for further independent  research and analysis.

The report includes: – 

  • Intake Session
  • Personal Summation
  • Snapshot of Common Career Interests for your Personality Type
  • Career Interest Instrumentation (Test) Outcomes 
  • Career Schedule

Report Length

Content and length will vary as our reports are customised career plans based on individual needs and career life stages.  As a general rule of thumb, a Career Interest Foundation Report can range from 20 – 30 pages in totality.

Transferable Skills Analysis Report

Key Transferable Skills Report

A brief, relevant and helpful report, the Key Transferable Skills Report is aimed at individuals who are currently employed or have previously been employed and seek to identify and market their foundation, core or specialised skills set for job searching, learning and development purposes.


  • Intake Session
  • Research and analysis of up to 5 positions
  • Identification of foundation, core, specialised skills and software
  • Compilation, preparation and presentation of the report

Report Length

Content and length of the report will vary as our reports are customised skills reports based on individual circumstances, the number of positions analysed and your needs.  As a general rule of thumb, a Key Transferable Skills Report can range from 2 to 3 pages in totality. NB.  The research, analysis and identification of skills are subject to the availability; additional positions may be researched and analysed upon request subject to the availability of data and additional fees.

Labour Market Report

Labour Market Analysis Report

A brief report created to help you understand and apply Australian Labour Market information to assist you in the identification and exploration of employment opportunities, increasing your job search efficiency, confidently negotiating your employment contract terms and making informed and meaningful career decisions based on your objectives and relevant Australian Labour Market data.


  • Intake Session
  • Research & analysis of 1 region –  LGA (Australia)
  • Compilation, preparation and  presentation of report

Content included in Research and Analysis  Process

Labour Market Information is extensive and available through multiple sources.  Data sourced and disseminated may include:- 

  • Skills Shortages or Priority Lists – National, State and Territory
  • Employment Projection Data
  • Occupations in Demand
  • Employment Statistics
  • Medium Income levels for LGAs or Regions
  • Unemployment Rates
  • Leading Industry Employers in LGAs or Regions
  • Educational Status details for individuals in LGAs or Regions
  • Occupational Data in LGAs or Regions

Report Length

Content and length will vary as our reports are customised  based on the availability of information, your individual needs and objectives.    As a general rule of thumb, a report for 1 region – LGA area can range from 2 to 5 pages in totality. NB. Additional regions – LGA’s  maybe researched  subject to availability  of data and additional fees. 

Make Informed Decisions and Take Proactive Steps

With our Career Reports in hand, you will have the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions about your career path. Whether you are considering further education, looking for a job change, or seeking to advance in your current field, our reports will equip you with the insights you need to take proactive steps towards achieving your goals.

Don’t leave your career to chance. Take control of your future with our comprehensive Career Planning and Reports Services. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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