Academic Planning Career Counselling Career Counselling High School Students Career Interest Testing Career Planning and Reports Key Transferable Skills Report Making The Dream Happen Personality TypeBlu Ripples Career Counselling: Making the Dream happen! (Part 2)There is an old saying, "Life is what you make it”. Thus, life…1 October 2010Byadmin
Career Consulting Services Resume WritingBlu Ripples Career Consulting: Writing a Clear and Concise CV-Resume (Part 2)Writing a clear and concise CV-Résumé is easy if you take the time…19 September 2010Byadmin
Aptitude Testing Career Counselling Career Counselling High School Students Career Interest Testing Career Planning and Reports Key Transferable Skills Report Personality Type Psychometric Profiling (Testing)Blu Ripples Career Counselling: Career Identification & Exploration- Help for Parents with TeenagersCAREER COUNSELLING FOR TEENAGERS"We help parents discuss and explore career options…19 September 2010Byadmin