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Career Counselling Services - Career Counsellor Katherine Foster

Career Counselling

Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it but because you deserve so much more (Unknown); we can help you Discover your more!

Unpacking, Exploring and Transforming Your Career

Our Career Counselling Service are designed to help you identify and explore career options, pathways and considerations; to provide you with meaningful insights, guidance and opportunities for growth and development that will enable you to unpack your career, explore and reorganise the pieces of the puzzle so that when career opportunities present themselves you are ready to act swiftly and with confidence.

How Career Counselling Can Help You

Career Counselling can help you in numerous ways including aiding you to:- 

  • Address triggers that may affect your career performance or growth
  • Analyse why you are not receiving responses from your Resume/CV
  • Communicate and inter-relate more effectively with colleagues
  • Develop effective job search strategies
  • Discover new career pathways during periods of transition
  • Establish career baselines, goals and action plans
  • Explore academic pathways based on your learning style preferences
  • Help you find answers to career-related concerns or situations
  • Identify career options based on interests, aptitude and personality
  • Identify and implement positive coping strategies to manage workplace stress
  • Learn, understand and apply labour market statistics
  • Manage the emotional ups and downs of your career
  • Pinpoint career stagnation – review the cause, effect and rectification strategies
  • Process the impacts of workplace harassment and bullying
  • Promote your skills, experience, strengths and transferable skills
  • Recognise and harness your workplace personality type
  • Reduce employment termination and redundancy grief through talk therapy
  • Tackle and address career considerations, obstacles or limitations

or put another way, and depending on your expressed individual needs, goals and our area of expertise Career Counselling can assist you: 

  • Understand Your Career Journey
  • Develop Strategies for Success
  • Explore Your Personality and Interests
  • Navigate Career Challenges
  • Tailor Guidance To Your Unique Needs
  • Explore Personal Experiences and Motivations
  • Overcome Obstacles and Break Patterns

Are You Ready For Your Transformative Career Counselling Session? 

During your transformative journey of self-discovery and career exploration, we aim to chart a course towards a more fulfilling and purposeful future. Specifically, we will:-

  • Talk to you about your narrative (story) to date
  • Identify what factors brought you to this point in your career and to our practice
  • Listen to you
  • Develop an understanding of your career ups, downs, dips and lateral moves to date
  • Identify your career baselines and any gaps that need addressing
  • Reflect on your thoughts, feelings and experiences
  • Develop appropriate strategies to move forward in a positive and meaningful way for you

Our Role As Your Career Counsellor 

Our role as your transformative Career Counsellor is to guide and empower you in investigating and answering the who, what, when, why and how of your career.  For example, maybe you have one or more questions relating to: –

  • Who am I?
  • What occupations suit my personality, aptitude, interests and preferences?
  • To start or move into this career, what tertiary or development studies must I undertake?
  • What did I do wrong? I don’t understand why I was fired or made redundant.
  • When should I apply for TAFE, Private College or University?
  • When should I tell employers or consultants about my medical and/or mental health condition?
  • Why am I experiencing this challenge in my career now?
  • Why am I unhappy or dissatisfied with my career?
  • Why have I been overlooked for work promotions or transfers?
  • Why am I feeling stressed, overwhelmed or burnt out in my career?
  • How can I find a work-life balance?
  • How will I move forward in my career when this situation occurs?
  • How do I move forward in my career – what steps do I need to take?
  • How do I apply for a TAFE, Private College or University course placement?
  • How do I switch from my current career to a new career?
  • How do I relaunch my career after repatriating several years or decades abroad?
  • How do I get my first job when people constantly say I need experience?

Going Above and Beyond The Norm

From our perspective, as illustrated above, Career Counselling is not just about providing a superficial list, print out, of career options and pathways and sending you on your way. It’s about authentic engagement, empowerment, guidance and developing a clear and comprehensive understanding of you, your personality, aptitude, interests, preferences and experiences.

It is Katherine presence, expertise, comprehensive and holistic approach that helps us to go above and beyond the norm; to empower you to recognise and understand:  

  • Your professional and personal story, goals and strengths
  • If there are any trauma, grief & loss, experiences, incidents or events that shaped you and your career
  • How have your experiences shaped you in terms of your communication & interpersonal style
  • The types of environments and people you prefer and those that are not your cup of tea
  • What motivates you, builds your confidence and promotes positive self-efficacy (self-belief)
  • Your fears, self-limiting beliefs and behaviours that stop you from achieving your goal
  • Potential triggers and non-productive coping strategies to address and tweak
  • Your non-productive workplace behaviours and the undesirable patterns they are creating

By the end of our transformative career counselling sessions, you will have not only identified and explored your preferences, career options, pathways and considerations but also set realistic career goals. This process aims to empower you, provide a clear path to follow and the tools to achieve your goals. Thus, paving the way for a more fulfilling and successful career, instilling in you a sense of hope and confidence as you embark on this new journey.

Committed to Your Success

Katherine is committed to helping you identify, explore, and achieve your realistic career goals. We believe in getting to know the authentic you, so we can provide the most effective career guidance and support. If you need assistance in identifying and exploring your career options, pathways, and considerations, we are here to help.

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